Tuesday 8 November 2016

New Game - Review

New Game! is quite a relaxed anime with no intense storyline, or traumatic backstorys as such.
To best describe the anime i'd compare it to them yaoi anime where they work creating manga or something.
Except, in this anime, they're creating a game and its all girls.
Its a really light anime, in sense of feeling, and its laid back and chill.
It's a great anime to watch in between quite intense heavy animes.

There are a few panty shots and minor lesbian suggestive scenes and defiantly some shipping set up ready for you to do in your free time. This has surely kept me occupied for a while.

Each of the main characters all have quite distinctive personalities.
You got the shy girl.
The tomboy girl.
The pervy girl.
The comes across as harsh but actually really cares deep down girl.
And lets not forget, ofcourse, the Loli.
Nenechi is 18 however acts childish and looks childish, she was probably my favourite character out of all this.

The anime is very cutesy, and does mainly focus around building friendships. Theres not much action at all so depending what anime you're after, this might not be the one for you. Even the storyline itself is loose, but there is a somewhat storyline there. Honestly, it does follow the cliche slice of life pattern.

Theres honestly not much more that can be said about New Game!
Not without going too much into it the storyline and giving away "spoilers". New Game! doesn't consist of huge plot twists, but minor issues do pop up which adds to the story line and you see how everyone reacts to that situation which in my opinion was quite cute sometimes.

Art Style: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Storyline: 6/10
Overall Personal Rating: 8/10
Would I recommend: Yes / No / To Certain People [People that have just watched a traumatising anime or love cutesy stuff.]
Genre: Comedy, Slice of life
Age Rating: PG-13

Monday 7 November 2016

Boku no Pico Review 18+

それじや here it is. My Boku no Pico review.
Forgive me for its been a while since I last watched it so my minds still a bit rusty.
I honestly wasn't impressed by the background sounds. It was all very minimal which made it hard to set the mood. But I guess it added to that amateur porn feeling. The sound effects for the sex etc such as all the squelching noises however weren't so bad as a whole. If you closed your eyes, you could almost imagine it wasn't a grown man and a minor.

The story line wasn't too bad as far as hentai goes. It did focus on the sex, and the storyline progressed quickly, before a long section of sexy times before more storyline at the end.

During my time watching it, I felt like, this is a guilty pleasure that I can't let anyone know about or i'll be disowned by everyone. Unfortunately, it was capable of turning me on. But yes, the guilt does still remain.

The colours of the anime and overall art style were pretty weak but they were manageable to watch. The colours were a bit dull which I think if they were a little brighter it would've really added to the character Pico. 

There was only 3 character shown within this. As the storyline did heavily progress through just the two main characters.

One scene however, did cause a minor panic attack due to the fear that the car was going to get dirty this really distracted me from what was going on and I feel like I missed out on a lot by worrying about the car the whole time.

Art Style: 5/10
Characters: 6/10
Story Line: 3/10
Overal Personal Rating: 7/10
Would I recommend: Yes / No / To certain people [Those who are into weird shit or pissed me off]
Genre: Hentai, Yaoi
Age Rating: R rated / 18+ 

Saturday 10 September 2016

Haikyuu!! Review

Haikyuu!! has my favourite ginger in it, so lets get started on this review.

For a little backstory, I had never seen a sports anime in my life, and that lead to curiosity. How the hell can you have an anime about a sport? Wheres the story line come from? Sports? What? Most anime watchers don't tend to be into sports...stereotypically of course. So I decided to give Haikyuu!! and Free! a shot, and I do not regret it.

Haikyuu is a volleyball anime. But, it isn't just "volleyball". The storyline progresses through the volleyball, and they really allow you to become connected with the characters. Such as seeing them progress and grow, seeing their backstory, the reasons they try so hard or don't try at all. The matches suddenly become so intense, the only problem is, you get attached to every team and sometimes its upsetting to see the other team lose.

The anime itself follows one team around "Karasuno". In which you also get to learn about each character within that team.

Although it may just follow one team, they tell us just enough information about all the other teams to help us form a bond and connection with them all.

Typically, i'd say the audience for this anime is "girls". As theres a lot of shipping that can be done, and best part of this is, theres a huge fanbase for this, with fan art and fan fics all over the place. So if shipping is your thing, this can help temporarily satisfy your needs.

The art style for this anime is very basic, but just enough to satisfy my needs. When the character is behind the net during the shot, they tend to wipe out apart of the net, and at first I never noticed it, but once I noticed it once, I never stopped noticing it.

The characters within this anime are absolutely loveable. Even tho there is a wide range of personalities, all of them are just so gah! I want to cuddle them all and give them all my attention!

The ending of season 1 had me screaming. WHO THE HELL ends it there?
Honestly, so did the ending of season 2!
The seasons end rather abruptly and on cliff hangers, which can be a pain if you're watching as the episodes are released, because by the time the next seasons out, you've forgotten what the previous episode was and you're no longer in that tense moment. So although it makes you want to come back for more, it does somewhat kill the moment.

For some reason I am very into the storyline and feel rather passionate about it. Although the storyline revolves round sports - which I quite frankly have no clue about - I am still fixated on the story line and the characters.

Art style: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Story Line: 7/10
Overal Personal Rating: 8/10
Would I recomend: Yes / No / To certain people [typically fangirls interested in gay ships]
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sports
Age rating: PG 13 (shirtless guys, the occasional curse word)

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Highschool Of The Dead - Review 18+

High School of the Dead was actually the first anime I ever completed. Since then i've watched it about 3 more times, and I seriously can't get enough of it. Unfortunately, there is currently no second season for HOTD, and I personally don't think there ever will be a season 2. There are some rumours on the internet, but usually no proof to go alongside them.

Although the story line can be continued for a new season, I feel like there was a definitive ending for the series. Although there are some unanswered questions, the basics of the story line does come to an ending which is somewhat satisfying.

This anime is defiantly for the "plot". Its actually a weird one, because you can feel that its intention is to turn you on, however theres also zombies everywhere which makes it a very awkward
experience for you and your sexual feels.

The action in this anime is actually very intense and thrilling, I personally love nothing more than hot girls that can kick mother fucking ass, while dressed "sexually appealing"/"in revealing clothes".
In some shots, there will be close ups of panties and slow motions of the breasts wobbling during a fight scene, this all adds to the intensity.

There are defiantly some filler scenes and some fan servicing. But as far as fillers and fan servicing goes, they keep it interesting. All i'll say, is look forward to episode 6!

Unfortunately for me, this anime has a harem going on, however I know some people personally like this. I found that all the characters in this had huge personalities and were practically all loveable, even with their flaws. I find it hard to watch an anime with several "love" plots going on with the same character.

Lets not forget, the show has its own loli!

Art Style: 7/10
Characters: 7/10
Story Line: 8/10
Overal Personal Rating: 10/10
Would I recommend: Yes / No / To certain people [straight guys/young adults/ecchi lovers]
Genre: Ecchi, Action, Horror
Age Rating: 18+ (nudity, violence, gore)
Sometimes the age rating in some places is referred to as a 15+

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Black Bullet Anime Review

Black Bullet Review

Honestly, Im so hyped about this anime. It was one of them animes where I was sat around thinking of what to watch, and I clicked a random anime, and oh god, I do not regret that decision.

Black Bullet is amazing, I mean, nothing is better than some kick ass loli's. They could probably kill me in 3 seconds flat, but they still cute. In Black Bullet they are called "Initiators" and work along side a Promoter. Initiators are also known as "Cursed Children" but I won't go too much into that!

Black Bullet has 13 episodes. So its a short and easy to watch anime.
It consists as a lot of action and a couple plot twists that were highly unexpected.
The characters are well developed and even tho its only 13 episodes, I managed to get highly attached to the characters, so much that I cried around 3 times throughout the anime.

The art style is one of my favourite, this was one of the first things that caught my eye about this anime, it completely blew me away because that art style is exactly how I like it.

If you're contemplating watching Black Bullet, i'd recommend watching the opening sequence. The opening sequence, from the song to the visuals, really gets across what the anime is about. For some reason, the opening sequence always gives me some sort of adrenaline rush.  I feel like you'd be able to make your mind up by solely watching the opening sequence to decide if this anime is for you or not.


I do intend on reading the manga series for Black Bullet at some point in my existence.

Art Style: 10/10
Characters: 8/10
Overal Personal Rating: 10/10
Would I recommend: Yes / No / To certain people
Genre: Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Age Rating: 15+  (violence, death, blood, weapons)

Friday 1 April 2016


The thing is with this blog, I also don't know which direction it shall go in either.
However, I have rough ideas and plans, i'd like to do anime recommendations, compare similar animes and anime reviews.

A run down of the animes I have watched you can check of My Anime List:

About Me:
Age - 17 (1998)
Gender - Male
Height - 5ft
Hobbies - Anime, Film Making, Cooking
Dislikes - Mushrooms, Spiders,
Favourite Food - Ramen, Rice, Chow Mein, Pasta Salad, Hassleback potatoes, Fried Potatoes, Mash Potatoes, Sushi

Social Medias:
YouTube for shortfilms - 360NoJoke
Vlogging YouTube - Weallstink965
Instagram - Weallstink965
Snapchat - Weallstink